Discourse is CAMRA’s web forum, where members can discuss anything CAMRA-related, including beer, brewery and pub news, beer festivals, CAMRA policy etc etc, or just chat in general.

You’ll need to login using your CAMRA membership number. If you have trouble logging in, please see our Guide to Using CAMRA’s Online Systems.
The easiest way to get involved is to click the Latest button and browse a few of the topics, to get a feel for the forum and how it’s used. Click on a topic and scroll down to read to the end, or stop wherever you like – when you return to that topic, Discourse will automatically take you to the first message you haven’t read.
To comment on a topic, scroll down to the bottom, and click the blue Reply button. Or to reply to a specific post in a topic, click the Reply button in that message.
You can easily quote text from other posts as part of your reply, to make it clearer what you’re replying to – just highlight the text you want to quote, and click the “”Quote message, as shown below – the text will appear in your reply, on a shaded background. You can include as many quotes as you like in your message.

To start a new topic, go the the home page and click the + New Topic button. You’ll need to select a Category from the list, but if in doubt just select Campaigning. For social chats, not directly related to ‘CAMRA’ subjects, there’s a Virtual Local category.
You can create links in your posts, or upload files, using the buttons above the text area, but please don’t post images of posts on other social media, just link to the original post.
You can mention other users in your posts by typing an @ sign, and then the first letters of their username – note this may not be, or even resemble, their real name, so you may have to use the ‘magnifying glass’ search option to find them first!
You can choose to receive notifications by email when other people reply to you, message you, or mention you in a post – just click on your profile at top right, then click the silhouette and select Preferences, as shown below:

Select the Emails tab, and set the options you prefer – you can also opt to receive a digest of activity on the site, anything from half-hourly (!) to quarterly. You’ll probably want to make sure Mailing List Mode is disabled, unless you’re happy to receive a lot of emails!
Happy Discoursing!