AGM, Conference & Members’ Weekend

Each year in April, CAMRA hold the company AGM and Conference during Members’ Weekend. The results of elections to the National Executive are also announced. The main attraction is the Members Bar, stocking around 70 ales from mostly local breweries, and depending on the host city, the local pubs!

The 2023 event was held in Sheffield, with the next two hosts being Dundee in 2024 and Torquay in 2025. The event was held at The Halls in Norwich in 2013.

The AGM is the formal general meeting of the Campaign for Real Ale Limited, and takes place on the Saturday morning at 9.30am. Business is generally limited to resolutions to accept the accounts, appoint the auditors and authorise the board to set the payment to the auditors. So usually over very quickly! However, if major changes are to be made to the organisation, as happened after the Revitalisation process, then Special Resolutions to change the Articles of Association would be debated and voted on at the AGM. All members can vote on AGM resolutions, whether present at the meeting or not.

Conference starts at around 11am on the Saturday, and includes presentations from the Chair, Nik Antona, the CEO, Tom Stainer, and a guest speaker from the beer and brewing industry outside the Campaign. The winners of the Chairman’s Award, Campaigner of the Year, Magazine of the Year and Website of the Year are also announced, with any motions on CAMRA policy debated throughout the weekend.