To liaise with brewers and breweries, CAMRA maintains a network of Brewery Liaison Officers (BLOs) at a regional level, although branches are generally asked to nominate BLOs for breweries in their area.
BLOs are asked to report any changes to their brewery, such as location and plant, and the range of products supplied, in particular the range of real ales. They also maintain the brewery details for the Good Beer Guide.
We currently have a BLO for all the breweries in the Branch area, but if you’d like to volunteer for a BLO position, please contact the Brewery Liaison Coordinator for East Anglia, listed on this page, as they will sometimes have a potential vacancy where a current BLO has not been in contact for a while.
If you are already a BLO, there are plenty of resources on the CAMRA website to help you, or contact the Committee member for Breweries here.
If you’re a brewer and don’t have a BLO, or know who your BLO is, please contact the Brewery Liaison Coordinator for East Anglia, as in the previous paragraph.